Monthly Archives: March 2021

Motivational Moment Ep. 01: Calm in the Midst of My Storm

A hallmark of our CTW360° platform is that of authenticity. Lack of true authenticity and transparency are common factors within so many social ills. Without truth and speaking from the heart there can be no hope for harmony within humanity. True transparency reveals joy and pain, the good and the bad, the peaks and the … Continue reading Motivational Moment Ep. 01: Calm in the Midst of My Storm

Ep 04: The World Should Be Better…Because You Lived!

It’s always the right time for a motivational moment. One of my life’s drivers has always been to live a purposeful life and the foundational point of my definition of “a purposeful life” has been serving with an Unselfish Heart. That causes my love for my fellow man or woman…for humanity to be a guiding … Continue reading Ep 04: The World Should Be Better…Because You Lived!